

boston wedding photographer

kyla shattuck


I'm a photographer, grateful wife, believer, and celebration enthusiast who delights in making the most of every day.


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Welcome to the KSP blog, a place where I share my work, wisdom, and a peek into my everyday life. I'm so glad you're here and hope you stay awhile!

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Ipswich Massachusetts Beach Engagement Session



Abby and Alex’s beach engagement session in Ipswich, Massachusetts was so good. From the moment they stepped out of the car, it felt like we’d known them for years. They have a warmth about them that is so special. Their kindness and care shined through their entire session and in each conversation we shared. They […]

Endicott College Engagement Session



Monica and Andrew’s engagement session at Endicott College was such a special one! It’s not everyday that we get to see the very places where our couples fell in love. During their session, Monica and Andrew took us through their campus. They shared with us the building where they met. They told us about where […]

Annisquam Yacht Club Wedding



Rachel and Jeff’s day was filled with history. From the setting of their wedding reception, Annisquam Yacht Club, to the homes where they got ready in the village of Annisquam, their day was rich in heirlooms and storied places. It seems fitting to begin our introduction of them with a story about them of our […]

When Things Go Differently Than Planned at Your Wedding


From the Heart

There are almost always things that go differently than planned at your wedding. Sometimes they are small, and sometimes that are a bit more significant. But even so, the day can still be so beautiful, joyful, meaningful, and memorable. Today I’m sharing some never-before-told-online stories of examples from our own wedding. 7 years ago this […]

Holyoke Massachusetts Wedding



Jamie and Peter are so incredibly loved. Their wedding day in Holyoke, Massachusetts was such a magical one, bringing them back to the place where they attend Peter’s junior prom ten years ago. They stood in this exact place, the place where they ultimately shared their vows, as high schoolers. A decade ago! That is […]

Bedford Village Inn Wedding



There are some conversations that stick with you. My first call with Sam last June was one of those conversations! I was sitting in a Nantucket inn, my laptop perched atop a pile of books. I was traveling to photograph a wedding and was over the moon at the potential opportunity to photograph a wedding […]

Gloucester Massachusetts Engagement Session



I cannot stop swooning over this engagement session that I captured last week in Gloucester, Massachusetts! It took place on a quiet spring evening on the edge of the harbor. Nayiri and Chuck picked the perfect color palette for their portraits and the landscape was the perfect complement. Together we laughed and soaked up the […]

Scituate Massachusetts Engagement Session



Rachel and Burke’s engagement session at Hatherly Country Club in Scituate, Massachusetts was an absolute dream. This session was a “pinch me” moment, perfectly and classically styled and filled with their story. Rachel grew up in Scituate and has been a member at Hatherly Country Club since she was a little girl. She and Burke […]

Fan Pier Engagement Session



It was the perfect night on Fan Pier for Megan and Brendan’s engagement session! We’ve learned to not fixate on the forecast, as the weather in New England can be fickle. But when it’s clear that the weather will be sunny and 75 with the gentlest breeze, it makes my heart soar! Boston is magical […]

Marking a Milestone



Today I am marking a big milestone that has been years in the making. As of 4:30 this afternoon, I will officially be a full time wedding photographer and business owner! Since January 2017, while Dillon and I were engaged, I’ve had a rewarding career in higher education by day. And for the past three […]

There's so much to celebrate


resources for

I've created a collection of blog posts, filled with advice to prepare well for your wedding and marriage!

my heart for you

© kyla shattuck photography 2022