

boston wedding photographer

kyla shattuck


I'm a photographer, grateful wife, believer, and celebration enthusiast who delights in making the most of every day.


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Tiffany Ballroom Summer Wedding



Lissa and Nick are sweet as can be, valuing their families and their backgrounds so dearly. Their wedding at the Tiffany Ballroom in Norwood was their vision brought to life! Before they were even engaged, they thoughtfully approached the milestones of their relationship in very special ways. Nick purchased Lissa’s ring from the very same […]

Bristol Harbor Inn Wedding



Paige and Kevin’s summer wedding at Bristol Harbor Inn has the sweetest backstory. When we first met them last year, they shared with us that their wedding date was especially meaningful. 8/10/24 marked ten years of their life together, “10 on the 10th”. How special to have shared a full decade of watching each other […]

Plum Island Summer Engagement Session



Alison and AJ’s mid-summer engagement session on Plum Island was so special! Alison and I both stepped out our cars in nearly identical dresses (blue and white forever!) and were delighted by the alignment in our style. She and AJ surprised Dillon and I with a bottle of champagne and a sweet note to mark […]

Aldrich Mansion Summer Wedding



“I’m so glad it’s you who is here today!” Megan said as I photographed her details in her bridal suite. She was glowing and had such a sincere smile. It was early in the day of Megan and Danny’s classic wedding celebration at Aldrich Mansion. Taylor Swift was playing in the background and I’d just […]

Fan Pier Boston Engagement Session



“So what do you both do for work?” we asked Michaela and Mike. It was a beautiful night for their engagement session at Fan Pier in Boston. Mike immediately looked to Michaela, knowing that her work holds more value than words can convey. When she shared that she’s a special education teacher, it all made […]

Beauport Hotel Summer Wedding



It was so quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. Ashley’s dad was holding the mic before a captive audience of loved ones. He began to speak and there was soon hardly a dry eye in the room. He shared heartfelt stories about both Ashley and John. About their love for others and their […]

South Boston Engagement Session



“I think that was one of my favorite sessions – ever,” I said to Dillon as I looked through the images from Haleigh and Pat’s engagement session in South Boston. From Haleigh’s Hill House dress to the dreamy golden light and the refreshing breeze off the water, it was all SO good. And it was […]

Early Summer Cruiseport Wedding



Nayiri and Chuck are two of the kindest, most gracious people around. As their early summer began and their wedding at Cruiseport in Gloucester was approaching, we had several opportunities to connect with them and talk through their vision for the day. In one of our conversations, Chuck asked what Dillon would like for breakfast. […]

Newbury, Massachusetts Engagement Session



Izzie and Tyler’s engagement session in Newbury, Massachusetts was so much fun. They kept each other smiling and laughing during the entire time, completely at ease with each other. We try to make every session fun for our couples and they made it so easy to do so! The saying “time flies when you’re having […]

Castle Hill Inn Engagement Session



It’s not often that we get to stand with our couples in the very spot where they got engaged. But on a magical summer evening with Mary and Sam, we got that privilege! Newport was bathed in the most pretty golden sunlight that evening. And Castle Hill Inn served as the perfect backdrop for their […]

There's so much to celebrate


resources for

I've created a collection of blog posts, filled with advice to prepare well for your wedding and marriage!

my heart for you

© kyla shattuck photography 2022