

boston wedding photographer

kyla shattuck


I'm a photographer, grateful wife, believer, and celebration enthusiast who delights in making the most of every day.


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Welcome to the KSP blog, a place where I share my work, wisdom, and a peek into my everyday life. I'm so glad you're here and hope you stay awhile!

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Appleton Farms Engagement Session



Adrienne and Dan are the textbook definition of a storybook couple. Their Appleton Farms engagement session was sweet as can be. After a long heat wave, Ipswich graced us with a mild evening and the loveliest breeze, the earliest wisps of fall. We had the grounds to ourselves, perfect for dancing among the wildflowers and […]

Happy Birthday, KSP!


From the Heart

Happy Birthday, KSP! Oh friends, I had happy tears as I started writing this post last month. I’ve had so many thoughts as I’ve put these words to (digital) paper. Now that I have a couple of rare weekends off before wedding season picks up again, I am excited to press publish and share this […]

North Shore Summer Engagement Session



Mary and Matt’s North Shore Summer Engagement session was magical. While planning their session, Mary shared that she dreamt of a unique coastal location with tall grass and a pretty view. My mind immediately went to one of my favorite picnic date spots in Essex, Massachusetts. It is a perennial favorite of Dillon and I, […]

Crane Beach Summer Engagement Session



Liz and Tim’s Crane Beach summer engagement session filled my heart right up to the brim. They exude the kind of warmth and joy that leaves you feeling so encouraged from the moment you meet them. I met Liz virtually earlier this year and loved her right away, but this was my first time meeting […]

New Hampshire Spring Family Session



“My card is full!” I looked over at Tommy and Kaelyn mid-pose during their New Hampshire spring family session, “That has never happened before!” I added, reaching into my bag for a new memory card. In all the sessions I’ve ever photographed, I’ve never filled a card by halfway through a session! The Montgomery family […]

Back Bay Spring Engagement Session



I am so excited to share this Back Bay spring engagement session with you today! This was my second time photographing engagement portraits on Commonwealth Ave this year and let me tell you, springtime in Boston is magical. Add a sunny, 75-degree evening and it gets even better. Carol and Jon have called Boston home […]

How I Started to Build My Dream


From the Heart

I remember it like it was yesterday. It was a chillier-than-usual July Saturday. It had rained earlier that day, but I packed up my monogram tote anyway. I’d been checking the forecast all morning and it had finally promised late-afternoon sun. Along the way, I stopped at Target to pick up two essentials: a foldable […]

Crane Beach Spring Engagement Session



I am so excited to share today’s classic Crane Beach spring engagement session. Kayla and Brian are *the* epitome of a classic New England couple. He’s from the Cape, and she’s from a Connecticut town that could easily neighbor Stars Hollow. He proposed at Brant Point, an iconic Nantucket Lighthouse (Dillon and I celebrated our […]

Boston Public Garden Winter Engagement Session



It was a quiet February afternoon on the day of Hilary and Matt’s Public Garden winter engagement session. I had just parked and was walking through Copley when a few snowflakes landed on my lashes. We were meeting on the Beacon Hill side, at the very spot where they were engaged in November. They are […]

Buying Our First Home



We bought our very first home! The past few months have honestly felt like a whirlwind and I’ve missed this little blog SO much. In honor of our official move-in tomorrow, I’m sharing a bit of our home buying journey. Choosing Financial Freedom We have faithfully followed Dave Ramsey’s Baby Steps since our first month […]

There's so much to celebrate


resources for

I've created a collection of blog posts, filled with advice to prepare well for your wedding and marriage!

my heart for you

© kyla shattuck photography 2022