

boston wedding photographer

Best Husband Ever

My Story

October 25, 2021

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resources for brides

A collection of posts written straight from my heart to yours to help you prepare well for your wedding and marriage!

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just for you

Welcome to the KSP blog, a place where I share my work, wisdom, and a peek into my everyday life. I'm so glad you're here and hope you stay awhile!

Hi! I'm Kyla.

While I just recently started to pour my heart into building Kyla Shattuck Photography, I’ve been laying the foundation for it for the past decade! Little by little, the dream of becoming a wedding photographer began to take root in my heart. And little by little, I began to take steps to make it happen. If you enjoy reading stories as much as I do, you’re in for a treat!

Part 2: The Magazine That Changed the Game
Part 3: Friendship and Opportunity
Part 4: Unfinished Business
Part 5: Becoming a Bride
Part 6: A Big Dream in a Little Apartment
Part 7: A Leap of Faith
Part 8: Best Husband Ever

Best Husband Ever

As I began to invest more of my time into learning photography, I realized that I needed a proper computer to handle the large files and editing. Now that I had my camera, it was time to upgrade my computer. I had a small 5-year-old Macbook that would continually freeze whenever I tried to edit an image on it. I had always dreamed of owning a 27” iMac, but I knew it was far outside of what we could afford in that season.

And then, one Saturday morning, Dillon went out to run a surprise errand. When he got back, he asked me to wait in the other room while he brought something inside. I was so curious while I waited. He asked me to close my eyes and walked me out to our dining table, where I opened my eyes to see a 27” iMac set up, just for me. He’d picked up extra hours working for his parents’ business to buy it for me so we didn’t have to dip into our monthly budget. I knew I had his support. It meant the world to me!

October 2017 – the day Dillon brought my computer home!

I used this computer to learn to edit photos and to build my brand. It’s the computer I used to design my logo and build my website. I’ve used this computer to edit every wedding and session I’ve ever photographed. And I used this computer to finish my degree. This gift was a turning point in my journey and I am so thankful for it, four years later!

To be continued…

  1. Auntie says:

    I love your story… Dreams do come true❤️

  2. Andrew (you know the one) says:

    This is so sweet. Proud of you Kyla for chasing your passion with such determination and dedication, and proud of Dillon for going above and beyond to support you! You guys are killing it and as your friend I’m inspired 😀

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Welcome to the KSP blog, a place where I share my work, wisdom, and a peek into my everyday life. I'm so glad you're here and hope you stay awhile!

welome to my blog



resources for

I've created a collection of blog posts, filled with advice to prepare well for your wedding and marriage!

my heart for you

© kyla shattuck photography 2021