

boston wedding photographer

kyla shattuck


I'm a photographer, grateful wife, believer, and celebration enthusiast who delights in making the most of every day.


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Welcome to the KSP blog, a place where I share my work, wisdom, and a peek into my everyday life. I'm so glad you're here and hope you stay awhile!

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amherst new hampshire engagement session | Heather and PJ

Amherst New Hampshire Engagement Session



New England is filled to the brim with storied small towns that are rich in history. As a photographer, I am continually grateful for the countless options available to me for portrait locations. This historic village suited Heather and PJ perfectly for their Amherst New Hampshire engagement session. The town was quiet, the flowers were […]

Heather + PJ | Colorful At-Home Wedding

At-Home Wedding | Hollis, New Hampshire



As a wedding photographer, you get an intimate look at the bonds between a bride and groom and their families. There is no doubt about it: Heather and PJ are surrounded by family and friends who love and care for them deeply. They share relationships that are deeply rooted and close-knit, the makings of a […]

Farmhouse Wedding | Francestown, New Hampshire



Oh, friends, I am delighted to share a very special wedding with you today! Dillon’s youngest brother Ryan married our new sister Kaylee this summer and it was an absolute joy. In the midst of trying times, this farmhouse wedding was exactly what our hearts needed. I think it’s safe to say that their celebration […]

There's so much to celebrate


resources for

I've created a collection of blog posts, filled with advice to prepare well for your wedding and marriage!

my heart for you

© kyla shattuck photography 2022