

boston wedding photographer

kyla shattuck


I'm a photographer, grateful wife, believer, and celebration enthusiast who delights in making the most of every day.


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Welcome to the KSP blog, a place where I share my work, wisdom, and a peek into my everyday life. I'm so glad you're here and hope you stay awhile!

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Round Hill Beach Engagement Session



October was showing off for Paige and Kevin’s engagement session at Round Hill Beach! It was an unseasonably warm day with the perfect breeze, bringing in the best parts of summer and fall in New England. It was our first time visiting the South Coast of Massachusetts and we had the best time! Round Hill […]

New Hampshire Farmhouse Wedding



If ever there was a wedding that glorified the Lord, this was it. From the very beginning of KSP, we’ve made it our goal to welcome God into every bit of it. We want Him to be glorified in this work and it’s our heart to reflect that to others. It’s our tradition to pray […]

Harkness Memorial State Park Engagement



Dillon and I absolutely love adventure. Our earliest days of dating involved many “adventure days” with long car rides to new places. Our most recent engagement session was reminiscent of that, bringing us to the beautiful Connecticut coast! When Hannah shared that she and Nick had chosen Harkness Memorial State Park for their engagement session, […]

Francestown NH Engagement Session



I don’t often publish two blog posts in one day, but this one is too special to wait any longer. This Francestown NH engagement session is one of my favorite of all time for a special reason. The bride-to-be is our younger sister, Kiara! We just love her and Sam and we were over the […]

Essex County Engagement Session



“There are two times of year for me: football season, and waiting for football season.” This Darius Rucker quote is always top of mind in the Shattuck household when September rolls around. So naturally, the conversation between the guys flowed toward football during Lissa and Nick’s Essex County engagement session. Nick casually mentioned that he […]

Fall Fun List – 2023



Happy Fall, friends! I’m excited to share my fall fun list with you today. September marks the start of my favorite time of the year (as noted here, all of my favorite months end with “ber”). Fall in New England is unmatched. From the covered bridges to the charming county fairs and the white steeples dotting […]

Classic New England Engagement Session



There is something so special about these two! Megan and Danny are classic, timeless, and incredibly laid back. They brought an air of ease and simplicity to their classic New England engagement session that was a true delight. I was positively swooning when I saw that Megan had chosen a quintessential nap dress for their […]

Boston Seaport Engagement Session



This place is truly magical. It has been at the top of my engagement session wishlist since the start of KSP! I was just a smidge excited with Samantha told me that she and Mike had chosen Seaport in Boston for their engagement session. While Boston is an all-around gem, only a few special places […]

Sweet Coastal Engagement Session



Hi friends! I (Kyla) am introducing a beloved member of the KSP team today: my husband Dillon! Our sweet couples know and love Dillon and now it’s time for the blog to get to know him too. He wrote today’s post for a very special reason. He and Matt go way back, having met nearly […]

The Commons 1854 Wedding



“I have a present for you!” were among the first words Liz said when we arrived to her bridal suite. I thought at first that she must have been addressing someone else because Dillon and I were there to serve and give, not receive. We had just met both mamas and the lovely bridesmaids and […]

There's so much to celebrate


resources for

I've created a collection of blog posts, filled with advice to prepare well for your wedding and marriage!

my heart for you

© kyla shattuck photography 2022