

boston wedding photographer

kyla shattuck


I'm a photographer, grateful wife, believer, and celebration enthusiast who delights in making the most of every day.


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Welcome to the KSP blog, a place where I share my work, wisdom, and a peek into my everyday life. I'm so glad you're here and hope you stay awhile!

welome to my blog



Becoming a Bride


My Story

While I just recently started to pour my heart into building Kyla Shattuck Photography, I’ve been laying the foundation for it for the past decade! Little by little, the dream of becoming a wedding photographer began to take root in my heart. And little by little, I began to take steps to make it happen. […]

How to Stay Organized While Planning Your Wedding


For Brides

If you are currently planning your wedding, congratulations! Savor and enjoy this exciting time in your life. You have so many decisions to make and details to keep track of. In this blog, I’m explaining how to stay organized while planning your wedding. Additionally, I’m sharing my recommendation for two wedding planning tools that I […]

September 2021 Blog Recap


Monthly Recaps

September was a big month on my blog! Firstly, was the first official month where I started posting here consistently. Secondly, I learned how much fun it is to connect with you all through blogging! Nowadays, it is unusual to find a small business that blogs regularly. Between providing quick quips on Instagram and feeling […]

Fall Fun List



Happy Fall, friends! I’m excited to share my fall fun list with you today. September marks the start of my favorite time of the year (as noted here, all of my favorite months end with “ber”). Fall in New England is unmatched. From the covered bridges to the charming county fairs and the white steeples […]

Unfinished Business


My Story

While I just recently started to pour my heart into building Kyla Shattuck Photography, I’ve been laying the foundation for it for the past decade! Little by little, the dream of becoming a wedding photographer began to take root in my heart. And little by little, I began to take steps to make it happen. […]

How to Make a Wedding Inspiration Board


For Brides

Today’s post is going to be a good one, friend! I’m going to show you how to make a wedding inspiration board. Once you’ve decided the overarching look and feel you want for your wedding, I recommend creating an inspiration board. This will serve as a resource to guide the decision-making process moving forward. The process […]

Meet Kiara: Equestrian Portrait Session



Kiara’s equestrian portrait session is a very special one. She is one of Dillon’s five younger sisters, and the most recent high school graduate in our family. We met up for her session on the most perfect afternoon in October. It was peak foliage time in New England and the leaves were as vibrant as […]

Friendship and Opportunity


My Story

While I just recently started to pour my heart into building Kyla Shattuck Photography, I’ve been laying the foundation for it for the past decade! Little by little, the dream of becoming a wedding photographer began to take root in my heart. And little by little, I began to take steps to make it happen. […]

Happy Birthday, Dillon!



Happy birthday, Dillon! Today we celebrate you and everything that you are. You are the biggest blessing in my life. When I was a little girl, I watched Disney princess movies over and over. As I watched, I hoped I would someday marry a man who was kind and handsome and made me feel like […]

Wedding Planning: Where to Start


For Brides

From Pinterest to wedding blogs, magazines to the advice of friends and family, there is a lot of wedding planning information out there. Brides and grooms have never had so many ideas at their fingertips to consider when planning their wedding. Today we are going to cover a fundamental piece of advice for wedding planning: […]

There's so much to celebrate


resources for

I've created a collection of blog posts, filled with advice to prepare well for your wedding and marriage!

my heart for you

© kyla shattuck photography 2022